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MycoMedica MycoChemo 180 Capsules

MycoMedica MycoChemo 180 Capsules

Regular price €29,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €29,90 EUR
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MycoChemo is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It combines the effects of medicinal mushrooms and Chinese medicinal plants in a balanced way.

In the case of chemotherapy, the mixture is used one day after the end of cytostatic administration and is discontinued one day before further chemotherapy treatment. In the case of radiotherapy (radiation), it can be administered continuously without ceasing.

How to use it

6 tablets twice a day (children from 3–12 years 3 tablets twice a day) on an empty stomach (at least 20 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals).

To be washed down with water or weak tea.

What's inside

Package contents: 180 tablets at 350mg

Weight contents: 63g

Composition of 1 capsule:

  • Maitake or Grifola frondosa (Grifola frondosa), 30% extract – 133mg
  • Tai Zi Shen or False Starwort (Radix pseudostellariae), extract 5:1 – 60mg
  • Sheng Zhi Mu or anemarrhena (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae), extract 5:1 – 60mg
  • Dang Gui or dong quai (Radix angelicae sinensis), extract 5:1 – 30mg
  • Bei Sha Shen or beach silvertop (Radix glehniae), extract 5:1 – 30mg
  • Da Zao or jujuba (Fructus jujubae), extract 5:1 – 20mg

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide

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